
Friday, December 1, 2017

Potter Party: Dec Gingerbread and Peppermint Classic Kit

Hi!  Sarah here with my first layout for the month of December.  I'm using the holiday...Christmas...winter kit...and making a Harry Potter layout!  Naturally...

The reason I wanted to do this layout with this kit is to show you how you can use a themed kit in a different way.  The holiday colors really give me Harry Potter vibes and I wanted to use that here.  I backed my layout with the green cardstock and used the Pebbles papers to create my layers.  

I used the Thickers and the Elle's Studio white letter stickers to create the title.  I also wanted to use one of the banners from the My Mind's Eye sticker sheet and layered up a few stickers and added two brads.

I journaled on the back of one of the die cut tags and added some twine from my stash.  The Harry Potter button was from the party we went to and it helped me to pick my color scheme.  I used one of the long stickers from the sticker sheet to make a "shelf" for my button.  

There was one word strip sticker that says "I believe in magic." HOW PERFECT IS THAT???  I just had to use it here.

I hope I could help you think differently about a holiday themed kit if you find yourself without any holiday pictures to scrap.  Don't forget to share your layouts with us in the FB group!

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