
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jenni Bowlin Paint Dabber

Morning! First thing I wanted to do when I got my Dear Diary kit (still a few left btw!! :D) was to use that Jenni Bowlin Paint Dabber! It was something new for me, and the color in the kit (Malted Milk!) just sounded amazing! So it is no secret that I am not a huge techniquey kind of person-at least I don't think-so figuring out what to do with it was a not easy. After dabbing it on scratch papers a few times I soon realized that it is truly not that different from my other paints-except I don't have to wash a paint brush out when I am done! LOL!

So I finally decided on making my own background paper with it! I wanted a super textured and kind of rough looking finish, with a touch of the malted milk color in there. This is how I did it:
  • I first cut the Jillibean Soup Paper Bag kraft cardstock to 8.5x11.
  • And I applied Gesso with my paint brush to it. I made sure that I didn't cover every square inch, because I not only wanted some of the Malted Milk dabber to stand alone on the kraft, but I also wanted little hints of the kraft to still come through.
  • Once the Gesso dried, I then used the dabber and just started smearing it across the paper as I liked. I applied it a little heavier some areas, and in other not at all, that way a little bit of the white from the Gesso was in there too. :D
  • This went so smoothly-I was very impressed!
  • I applied the JB paint dabber in one more place as well-I used it to make the Lily Bee paper not stand out so much on my background by just doing a light coat over the edges and a teeny bit in the middle of the circle. It is the one in the middle far right.
All in all my experience with the JB paint dabber was really fun! I am so glad that Noel put that little thing in there, otherwise it is something I may not have normally grabbed! (I am just sad now that it is such a teeny bottle! LOL!) Gotta get me another one cause I just know I am going to use it up quick! :D

Now you all can say that you saw Amy get techniquey!! Woohoo! (Laugh!!)

Take care!



  1. Wow this is a stunning layout Amy, I just love these great uses for the dabber, cannot wait to get my kit. Melxx

  2. Love this page and love these ideas! Thank you!
