
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

positive - just one!

I have a couple more pregnancy layouts to share this week. I promise, all of my layouts from now on will not be pregnancy related! But I know a few people had said on the message board that they liked seeing the 8 1/2 x 11 size so maybe you can take away a design idea or 2 from these layouts I'm sharing :)

This first one I used the Dear Diary kit. I loooove the Crate Paper in this kit. I've created a pretty simple layout but added some dimension with layers of the border stickers along with using my Martha Stewart border punch and some scalloped tissue paper (found at TJ Maxx).

I also added some butterflies going up the side of the page on top of buttons & corrugated buttons.

In this second layout I used the Office Party kit (sold out). Most of my layouts (for this scrapbook) will have 1-2 photos so I find that layering papers & fun borders along with playing with angles helps fill up the space and make the page look nice. I also find myself working on one corner of a layout when I have fewer photos. That always seem to be a nice design & works for me.

I love the little 'Admit One' ticket...fits just perfectly. And now, with the exception of just one layout, my pregnancy scrapbook is caught up...for now :)

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