
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Creating your own embellishments!

Hi Everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed the Valentine's Crop! I had a blast looking at all the incredible projects created by our members! Thanks so much to everyone who participated! (Hopefully Noel will want to do another one soon yeah?!! :D)

Today I was going to talk to you about creating your own embellishments. This is something that I find myself doing a lot! There are several things you can do to make your own, and these are a few of the things that I do.

On this LO that I did for the Valentine's Crop, I made flat embellishments and 3-D embellishments. I did a lot of hand-cutting (something you see me do a TON of on my LOs) out of the Sassafras Lass Paper Crush Sweet Smooches paper and used these flowers as accents on my LO. They are so gorgeous, and even though they are flat embellishments they still provide a lot of texture and movement to your LO.

I also created a 3-D embellishment using stickers and punches. I used my Marvy 1 1/2 inch Scallop circle punch for the first layer at the bottom of the embellishment (I punched the Sassafras Lass Paper Crush Sweet Smooches paper again for this). Then I used a sticker from the Sassafras Lass Paper Crush Sweet Treats sticker sheet as the next piece, but I used a pop dot first to separate the two layers I now have. Then next I used my Martha Stewart 1 inch circle punches (circle and starburst) to create the top of the embellishment. I punched the Sassafras Lass Paper Crush Head Over Heels to create this. And finished it with an AC turquoise brad! :D That was a lot of explaining for something super simple to make! Laugh!

Anyway, I hope you see that it doesn't take a whole lot to create your own embellishments! Just a little layering imagination, and either some punches or fussy hand-cutting! Hope I have inspired you to make your own embies! If you ever have any questions on anything I have made on a LO, please don't hesitate to ask!


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