
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Use Props For Pictures

Now that Valentine's Day has come and gone, it's time to scrap some of those memories. Well this year, I completely forgot to take a picture of the valentine gifts I gave them. I know. Bad scrappy mama! It's ok though. I devised another plan to remember this Valentine's by! I bought my girls these cute lips lollipops. I figured that I could take some cute pictures of them with it. Don't you think these are hilarious?

So if you forgot to take pictures this Valentine's, don't fret. Grab what is left of their Valentine's and created a fun prop with them. For example, you could take the little Conversation Heart candies and arrange them in a cute way before taking a picture. You could even have your child hold their favortie saying and take a picture of it. there is anothere idea that I will have to do myself!

When taking pictures of your kids and their props, make sure you get a group and individual shots as well. Here are a few others I took of my girls and their "lips."

Happy picture taking!


  1. OMG your girls are DARLING!!! I'm sure they're little hellions aplenty, but they look so precious with those lolli lips! And they look so much like you!!

    I didn't get any pics of Eric and me either, but I'm thinking he's just laugh at me if I handed him a set of lolli lips to take pics with!!

  2. hahahaha! These are hilarious! I can't wait to see your LO with the pics!

  3. So cute! Your girls are adorable! Can't wait to see the layout with these!

  4. So cute! Your girls are adorable! Can't wait to see the layout with these!

  5. Love this Diana!! Your girls are adorable!! :D

  6. have you ever been told that your older daughter looks like a mini Rachel Bilson?? because she does!!!
