
Friday, October 16, 2015

changing seasons // pumpkin picking

Ahh yes, changing seasons. Last time I shared an apple picking layout, this week it's all about the pumpkins! 
We've already been to the pumpkin patch twice and I'm sure we will make it there at least one more time since we need to get one more batch of apples. The farms where I live are wonderful and we can go and pick fruit almost all year round. I have apple butter cooking in the crock pot as we speak...and boy does it smell good!! 

And I totally agree with Britt's post yesterday - fall is definitely the time of year when I feel more refreshed and a sense of renewal!
Getting family photos these days is sometimes more trouble than it's worth. So I end up with individual photos of my kids which is the reason why I chose to do 2x3 photos in a collage style format on my page. That 'family' tag was actually a 3x4 tag with a blue border but the dark blue didn't stand out against the dark brown paper (and it was too big) so I simply cut it down. Then I added embellishments in and around my photos and even a few enamel dots on those cute hearts at the bottom of the page. The great thing about patterned paper like this is that you don't have to do a whole lot of embellishing on your page!

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