Or, more to the point, my internet is lame!
So, I had this great video to show you all about how the awesomeness that is a Noel Mignon kit, and after about, oh, six hours of trying to get it uploaded, I have finally given up.
Instead, you have these marvelous (gag) stills of some of the pages in progress I have made for my 25 Days of Christmas book. I know, I know, it's only September, but come on! If all the big box stores can do it, why can't I?
In all sincerity, I pulled out my book I made last year (all ten of my 25 days :(-I am lame, remember?) and realized how glad I was to be able to recall all of those great memories, even if I only made it ten days into the book. This just makes me all that much more excited to get the whole thing done this year! I've decided that if I can at least get 25 semi-designed pages together then I'll be in good shape. That way, if I don't have time to be super creative each day I can at least jot down a few lines on one of the pre-made pages and stick it in the book.
So, won't you play along with me? Come on, you know you want to!
I decided to pull from the Office Party kit and the Sweet Sue kit (hurry, only 5 left!) all of the Christmassy items that I could use in this book, and man oh man there are a ton! It's amazing how thorough that woman is at putting these little babies together! I mean, book covers? Check! Plenty of perfect papers? Check! Lots of little ephemera pieces that are just perfect for a mini book? Check and check!!!
So go through your past kits and pull out some left-over stuff and get going! Can't wait to see what you make!
ooh, I bet that's going to look so nice using that book cover for your December book! I did a December Daily the last 2 yrs and I **love** looking through mine when they're finished!! Maybe you'll finish this year ;)
Ok girlie! I'm dying to see the finished product!
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