Hello, hello, hello! Today I thought I would share a mini toturial on how
to make a 3-D banner. It is simple, easy, and fun!!!
Here are the supplies that you will need.

1. Cut stripes of paper. They can be as small or as big as you want
them to be depending on what you will be using your banner for.

2. Fold strip of paper in fan like style like seen below.
3. Press together.
like triangles of the same size and also folded ones as well. You
will be needing the folded ones.
a small amount of glue on the back of fold on the folded triangle.
6. Adhere to the flat triangle.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 to create as many as you want and you will soon
have a complete 3-D banner!!!
My baby girl Kyra is 3 months today so I decided to use my banner
to create this one for her! The kit used to make this page is Septembers
Sweet Sue Kit which is still available!!! I am so giddy when it comes
to Noels Kits!
I love it, thanks so much for the tutorial!
What an absolutely gorgeous layout!!! Love that banner...I'm trying it tonight...;) Thank you!!!
LOVEEEEEEEEE this....The LO is stunning and the banner turned out perfect!!!
Thanks for sharing...I can't wait to try it out!!!!
What a fun tutorial! And this page is just bursting with delicious texture! LOVE IT! :D Happy 3 months to your sweet baby girl! :)
So sweet and I love the banner!
so glad you shared that!!! Very cool.
What a super cute banner! thanks for the tutorial! I placed a link on my blog too :-) Hope you don't mind!!
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