Hey Everyone! I wanted to thank you all for the awesome suggestions on the message boards about topics to cover! You all gave the DT a lot of great ideas, and they will all soon be coming your way via this blog! :D It is always great to know what you guys are interested in seeing here.
From your post ideas, I decided to talk about projects for Halloween that you can make using your Halloween kits and stash! Now this is something I have never done (Halloween decorating I mean), but it has always been very high on my list! And for some reason it is like an absolute essential for me this year! LOL! I am so pumped to do the projects I can hardly contain it! :P I know, I am silly. But this year will be the first that my daughter will be exposed to Halloween so I want it to be really special. Still no clue what she is gonna be, or if she will even let me dress her up, but hey-I'm still pretty excited to give it a try!
Anyway, I have lots of things here to share that I have had bookmarked for a long time-actually had to do quite a bit of searching to find it all! LOL! A couple things are from some of my favorite scrapbookers, and then there are lots and lots from other inspirations that I thought you might like too. :D You may think I am a little nutty about some of them but hear me out-cause I have big plans with those ideas! (You can actually get a pretty good idea of what my desired style of decorating is like from these ideas. It's kinda funny because I don't have anything in my home like these things right now-but I want to fill my house with them soon!) So let's get started!
First up are a couple projects that are made by the amazing
Tara Anderson! (She is one of my all time fav scrappers!) She made these projects last year for a guest design spot over at Jenni Bowlin, and I fell in love with them the moment I saw them! The two projects I have pictured here are actually really simple, yet so wonderful and creative! To see more of her projects follow the link from her blog
here-you will need to use the archive on the JB site to get you to Sept 09 Guest.

Too stinkin cute, right?! Love them.
Next we have an adorable
Halloween countdown calendar made by
Alexis Hardy! She has been a long time fav of mine, and I always find myself going back and oooing and ahhing over her projects. :D But when I saw this project, I thought it was the most adorable thing in the world! I have one of these just sitting in the shelves of my scrap room, but am now pretty torn on whether to make it into a Halloween countdown or a Christmas one! LOL! Guess I will just have to get another! :D

Okay so the rest of the projects on here aren't actually scrapbooking projects per say-but I think they would transfer over very nicely, and it would be quite easy to incorporate a lot of typical Halloween scrapbooking things into them! They are actually Christmas holiday ideas-and this is where I mean to have faith in me-I know changing them into Halloween themed projects would turn out great! :D
The first two projects are from the
Dottie Angel. She makes amazingly vintagey handcrafted things that just make my heart flutter! I am a huge yarn fanatic (as I am a knitter) so her ideas of incorporating knitting and yarn balls into Holiday decor just floored me! These things are sooooo going to be in my house! :D They are easy, and cheap-if you use things that you have-so that right there makes them fantastic in my book.
The first picture is of a hanging she did-
link here-made by just stringing everything together. When I look at this and think Halloween-I see black, orange and grey yarn balls, with bats and pumpkins and ghosts attached, with little bits of glitter thingys here and there! I really think it would work well. You can even string some fun spider web stuff on it to make it look more goulish!

And the next project from her is actually what she made for her
family's Christmas tree! My husband thought I was nuts when I told him I wanted something like this for my tree-but I can't tell you enough how much I am in love with this!! It hits home on so many levels for me. I know that if my mom were alive today, the moment she saw this she would have got to work making her own and she would have made the most amazing tree ever! We had a few handmade trees growing up (a concept my husband Jed had never heard of!), and these trees are among the fondest Holiday memories I have. So like I said, this one really speaks to me and hits a feel good home vibe within. :D
But how to change it into a Halloween idea you ask?! Well let me tell you! Imagine the tree is black-and instead of deer and birds on the tree, use some pumpkins, bats and ghosts-cover it in spider webs-maybe put a goulish little house at the bottom with a witch in there somewhere-and I think it would look amazing!!!

I totally understand if you think I am nuts too now! :D LOL! But I still have one more thing for you!
It is also a Christmas themed project-but again so easy to make and change to Halloween. :D It is a gorgeous wreath made by Agnes of
Knock Knocking! She makes these amazing yarn wreaths-decorated with felt and critters so adorable! I have already purchased my styrofoam wreaths from the craft store to make some of these! And if you don't want to use yarn to cover them then fabric or something would work just as great. But I just totally see one of these with a little house, all spiderwebby covered, with a witch hanging from the middle like she is flying in the sky, complete with a full moon and a few bats around the top! What do you think? Can you see it? So excited to make this one! :D

Now aside from these ideas I also have banner I want to make, but I can't decide if I want to do a Halloween themed Welcome banner or a Happy Halloween banner. :P The first one would be easier as it is less letters (LOL! Yeah I am lazy like that), but I am really wanting a banner that says Happy Halloween on it-so I don't know what to do! LOL! I may just have to make both! But as I have a lot of projects on my list to make, we will see what actually gets done. :P
Alright! Almost done! :D The last picture I wanted to share doesn't actually use anything scrappy-but it was just too amazing a project to not share with you! It comes from the ubber talented
Danielle Thompson-a
tutorial on how to make these gorgeous fabric pumpkins!!
Aren't they just stunning?!! So like I said, even though they are not scrappy related, they are amazing and essential for me to make this Halloween! :D

I have a couple freebie shares with you too, just because I love ya. :D LOL! No really I do love ya, but they are freebies from other places generosity. Gotta love freebies. :D
First is from
Inside A Black Apple-a super adorable little
printable Halloween card! PDF format so it is very easy to use.
Have fun with all those freebies!! I know I will. :D
Last thing I will talk about is the amazing
Halloween kit that is being sneaked to us over at the
Noel Mignon message board!!! Presale is available for members of the board only right now, and it is already flying FAST!!! If you want to grab yours, just join the message board if you aren't already a member (it is free!), and then go to the members only presale and get yours! :D That easy. Can't wait for mine to come in the mail! Woohoo!! Here are a few of the sneaks that Noel has shared-just to entise you further....

Well I hope this post gave you some ideas!!! :D Take care everyone!